Old Broads

Old Broads

Friday, September 2, 2011


I started canning in my 20’s when I discovered my grape vines were overloaded and I thought “Well, wouldn’t that make good jelly.”  From there I planted a garden and along with my apricot tree I started making jams and jellies and “put up” (can) fruits, veggies and make pickles but I haven’t done it for years. 

Fawn working the jelly

Fawn has a wonderful recipe for Jalapeno Jelly and she has shared some with me.  Its really good stuff and we haven’t found anything that it isn’t good on.  We decided to get together and invite another friend Fran to join is in a jelly making day last week.

Making a mess!

We showed in at Fawn’s normally spotless kitchen, got a glass of iced tea and went to work.  Fran and I split and seeded the jalapenos while Fawn was getting everything else ready and when it was finally on the stove and cooking we sat down and yes, you guessed it, had cheese and crackers with jalapeno jelly on them.  Yummy!

Fran taking a break

Just a little snack to tide us over.

As you can see in the picture, we pretty much destroyed Fawn’s kitchen but we had a good time and lots of laughter doing it.  We made about 20 jars that day and the next day Fawn made some more but then we finally quit to get back to that all-important game of dice.

What better way to spend a day than with friends doing something we love. 

Viola!  The finished jelly.
See the recipe page for Fawn’s Jalapeno Jelly. Try it, you’ll love it.

Wishing you Joy and Laughter Everyday!

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