Old Broads

Old Broads

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Margaret and I started playing this crazy dice game, 500, several years ago.  Then a couple of months ago her daughter Nancy (a different Nancy) and Fawn joined us.  We started taking turns and on this Saturday night it was my turn to host.  I made a huge salad, heated some bread and had a German chocolate cake for dessert.  (Or is that desert?)  You know spell check doesn’t catch everything.  Anyway, we pigged out, carried out the dishes and sat down to a night of fun.

We were talking about marriage and Fawn looked over at Margaret and asked her who Nancy’s father was.  Absolutely deadpan, Margaret replies, “Hell, I don’t know”.

In 500 you don’t have partners, it’s every gal for herself but it soon became apparent very shortly that the two old gals were pairing off and rooting for me and Nancy to lose.  At one point, Nancy was rolling and I looked up and Fawn and Margaret both had the evilest look on their faces and they were doing the thing with their fingers, trying to hex the dice.  I elbowed Nancy to look at them and then I said, “Hey you guys better practice your aim, I’m getting a terrible case of crotch twitch!”  And at that point, we all just fell over laughing and two of us had to leave the table to go wee.  What more can you ask for than a great night of fun and laughter with good friends.

If any of you gals out there play 500, let me know and if you want to know how to play, just ask and I’ll be happy to tell you. 

Wishing you Joy and Laughter Everyday!

Friday, September 23, 2011


I spent the week at Fawn’s while she went to her high school reunion.  She said that she wanted me to baby sit the cats but I think that she wants me to fall in love with the idea of having a cat so that the next time she
has to relocate one it will come to my house.  NOT!  It’s just not working out that way.

You see Fawn has 5 cats, 6 when Cat Cat (the stray) decides to favor her with his presence and since I was going to watch 6 cats she volunteered to keep Gatsby while her granddaughter is out of the country.  Are you counting?  That’s SEVEN cats and just me to keep them in line.

Now cats are nocturnal meaning that they sleep all day and are on patrol all night.  On Tuesday, my first night here I didn’t get much sleep listening to seven sets of pitty paws roaming through the house.  Not only that but Gatsby has a bell around his neck and around two in the morning I was ready to chase Gatsby down and yank that bell off of his neck. 

It was around 3 am before I finally got to sleep and I got up Wednesday around 7:30 so YES, I was tired.  Every time I saw one of the little darlings napping, I had the urge to sneak up behind them and ring a bell.
It’s not as if these cats are spoiled but Fawn gave me special instructions for feeding them and take care of them so I thought no problem!  Three of them get their dishes put on the back porch, Cat Cat gets his in the kitchen, Muffie gets her dish wherever she wants it, Gatsby doesn’t eat wet food and the gray one, well when that little darling wants to eat, she meows and I am suppose to follow it into the laundry room rub it’s back and sing to it while it eats.  It meowed, I followed, I rubbed, I sang and it turned around hissed and made a lunge for me.  I ran (Yes, I can still move fast if I have to) and from a distance I gave that cat a little talking to along with some finger shaking.  We came to a meeting of the minds, she eats by herself and I don’t sing.

I made it until around noon before one of the cats upchucked a hairball in the dining room.  Thank heaven it was on the tile and not the carpet.  Now you have to understand that my queasy stomach doesn’t do well with warm, wet upchuck.  So I threw paper towels over it until it quit steaming and then cleaned it up.  Not too bad!  Ugh!

Cat Cat went out Wednesday morning and hasn’t been back inside yet but he does come to the back patio door, meows and wait for me to bring him some food.

Wednesday night I was really tired and just wanted to kick back and watch a little tv.  Each of the cats took turns coming in and demanding attention from me.  So on Thursday I was still tired but we all got along a lot better.  Except for Gatsby!  He is a young cat and really full of himself and he spent the day terrorizing poor Muffie until I finally had to give him a couple of squirts with the water bottle.  Amazing, how a little water straightened his young self right up.

Now it’s Friday and so far, so good.  I’m just not used to little people following me to the kitchen, to the bathroom, to the bedroom, to the porch and wherever else I go.  Hum, do you suppose Fawn told them to keep an eye on me?  It’s something to think about.

On Monday the hissey fitter appeared again as if nothing was wrong.  I did the finger shake again and she hissed again so I guess we have an understanding.  I woke up to find upchuck in the house but hey, the housecleaner is coming today so I very politely pointed it all out to her and went flying out the door home.

Fawn made it home Monday night and when I talked to her on Tuesday she was just amazed that I had so many problems with her darlings.  Go figure!  Incidentally whenever I am over there, that little gray fluff ball will come and wind around my legs and then hiss at me.  I guess she’s just letting me know who is boss.

Wishing you Joy and Laughter Everyday!

Friday, September 16, 2011


My neighbor Liz is a very nice lady who’s made it her mission to keep me informed about, oh lots of things.  Usually the first words I hear when she calls is “Look out your window”.  Thanks to Liz I have seen some beautiful sunsets, rainbows, pairs of geese strolling by with their babies and numerous other wondrous things.
Liz has brought me food from her Basque picnic each year.  Boy do those guys know how to eat!  Knowing that I’m on a tight budget, she called a while back when it was so hot and told me to turn off my A/C that there was a cool breeze blowing.  It’s so nice to be looked after.

We live on a lake and we are on the migratory route for Canada Geese, Cormorants and Coots along with several other birds but my very, very favorite are the big white pelicans that come down from Salt Lake.  These birds are amazing and they are huge with a 108” wingspan.  They are so majestic, regal and graceful as they swim around the lake.

The other night I got the “Look out your window” phone call again.  Liz said, “Do I see what I think I see?” and sure nuff, four of the white pelicans have come back early.  Last year they appeared on my birthday in November so to have them here in September is really a treat and a signal to us that maybe most of the HOT weather is behind us.

Liz called me the other day and said, “Are you looking outside, do you see what is on your porch railing?”  So I ran to the window and saw a HUGE Canada goose right where she said it would be so I told her that I was going out to take a picture and if she heard me scream to come and rescue me from the goose.  I grabbed the camera and went outside and the darn goose just almost posed for me until I got my picture and then I noticed that he was leaving me surprises all over and I decided to chase it off of the railing.  Ha!  Fat Chance!  I was out there waving a plastic thingie around like crazy and shouting at him and did he leave?  Yes, finally but only after he was good and ready!

Wishing you Joy and Laughter Everyday!

Monday, September 12, 2011


I have a Lexmark printer because it is suppose to be one of the better ones for printing pictures (and this is mundo important to a scrapbooker) but it is also the worse one for the cost of the refills.  A black refill cost $38 and only prints about 100 pages.  A few months ago I went to Wal-Mart and bought a KODAK printer, you know with the $10 refills.  I even smarted off to the guy at the register that the refills were supposed to be $10 and they were charging $11 although I couldn’t get any because they were out.  So I went next door to Sam’s and bought refills for my new KODAK, brought the whole thing home and stuck it in the sewing room until I drained every last drop of ink out of my Lexmark.

Flash forward at least two months and the Lexmark is finally empty so I carried the KODAK out to the breakfast bar, opened the box, took a quick look at the directions and called Margaret to send her daughter Nancy over to install it for me.  Nancy came right over with some homemade chocolate chip cookies (gotta love that gal) and hooked up my KODAK printer for me.

The next day I packed up the Lexmark in the KODAK box and still had it on my breakfast bar a few hours later (Hey, there is no need to get in a hurry) when I happened to look over at the box and do you know what caught my eye?  Right there on my KODAK printer box it said in big letters CANON,  Yep, that’s right, I had bought the wrong printer and when I had gone to Sam’s I had got Kodak refills for my new CANON printer.

Cannon - doesn't that spell Kodak?
Am I keeping it?  Heck yes?  First off I could never get it back in the box, and then I would have to ask Nancy to come over again and I think that she is all out of cookies.

Flash forward a few more months.  Do I like my new Kodak/Cannon printer?  Well, it prints okay and I don’t have a problem with it making copies but the darn thing thinks for itself.  I tell it to do something and it grunts and groans and squeals and squeaks and finally it says “Oh, did you still want that?”  and it will print it for me.  My daughter’s Cannon does the same thing so obviously these new printers were designed by men!

Wishing you Joy and Laughter Everyday!

Friday, September 9, 2011


There have been so many tragedies in our world but the most horrendous thing in our lifetimes happened on September 11th.  About this time of year I get to thinking about it and how shocking it was (and still is) and how it changed our lives.

What I don’t understand is how people who we have never met could hate us because we are Americans. I don’t understand it and I condemn them for it.  There is no excuse in this world for the horrendous things that they did to our country on that awful day.  All those lives were uselessly ended, people were at first frightened and then angry and our safe world became a thing of the past.

Sometime this week please take a moment to remember the tragedy, honor the heroic people from that time and always be proud to be an American.

Wishing you Joy and Laughter Everyday!

Friday, September 2, 2011


I started canning in my 20’s when I discovered my grape vines were overloaded and I thought “Well, wouldn’t that make good jelly.”  From there I planted a garden and along with my apricot tree I started making jams and jellies and “put up” (can) fruits, veggies and make pickles but I haven’t done it for years. 

Fawn working the jelly

Fawn has a wonderful recipe for Jalapeno Jelly and she has shared some with me.  Its really good stuff and we haven’t found anything that it isn’t good on.  We decided to get together and invite another friend Fran to join is in a jelly making day last week.

Making a mess!

We showed in at Fawn’s normally spotless kitchen, got a glass of iced tea and went to work.  Fran and I split and seeded the jalapenos while Fawn was getting everything else ready and when it was finally on the stove and cooking we sat down and yes, you guessed it, had cheese and crackers with jalapeno jelly on them.  Yummy!

Fran taking a break

Just a little snack to tide us over.

As you can see in the picture, we pretty much destroyed Fawn’s kitchen but we had a good time and lots of laughter doing it.  We made about 20 jars that day and the next day Fawn made some more but then we finally quit to get back to that all-important game of dice.

What better way to spend a day than with friends doing something we love. 

Viola!  The finished jelly.
See the recipe page for Fawn’s Jalapeno Jelly. Try it, you’ll love it.

Wishing you Joy and Laughter Everyday!