Old Broads

Old Broads

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


And this brings me to Sandi (She always wanted to stress that it is spelled with an i).  What can I tell you about Sandi, she has been the constant friend in my life since we were 11 years old.  If you are counting and you promise not to figure out my age, we have been friends for 53 years.  Wow!  That’s mind-boggling.  The only times we were incommunicado was when she was married to Rick (the jerk) and the times she spent in Florida but that’s another story and here it is. 

Sandi’s parents divorced when she was fairly young and her mother moved to Florida and her dad remarried to Delores (Dee Dee) and lived in California.  Sandi went back and forth between the two during all her teenage years.  It was really hard for me to have a friend that was only here half of the time and every time she came back from Florida a southern accent came attached to her.

You have to be around Sandi for a while (or maybe not) to realize that she is really ditzy, verging on dingy.  She was ditzy at 11 and she is ditzy at 64.  I mean, come on now, who else would name her dog “Nookey” and who else would try to bathe a stray cat and end up with her arms shredded but a ditz. 

Sandi’s Dad bought her an old Ford and her boyfriend tried to move the shift from the column to the floor, it didn’t work and as long as she had the car, it had a big hole in the floorboard so when it rained, we got wet and when it was cold, we froze and when it was hot, boy were we hot!  I don’t know, maybe ditzy attracts ditzy, forget I said that before you decide that it relates to me.

Sandi has lived in Phoenix for several years but we talk on the phone usually every week.  If I don’t hear from her for a while, then my first question is always “Okay, what’s wrong”.  Trouble just seems to follow her.  But she is the one person in the world that I can say anything to without thinking about it.  We have been there through so many stupid things the other one has done and we still like each other anyway.  There’s something really comforting in that.

A good example of that is not too long ago, Sandi called and in the course of the chat she mentioned that someone had taken her picture and that she looked really ugly.  She kept going on and on about how ugly she was and why oh why didn’t anyone ever tell her she was ugly?  Then ditzy Sandi finally asked me, “Did you know that I’m ugly?”  Well, I’m not one to let an opportunity like that go by so in between my laughing fit I answered her, “Yeah, I always knew that but didn’t want to tell you!”  Can you believe that she didn’t laugh at all and even called me a dirty name?  Ah, friends, what would we do without them!

Oh and before I forget, Happy Birthday, Sandi, I love you and you are now officially older than dirt!

Wishing you Joy and Laughter Everyday!

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